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Hillview Quarries have proposed a 94-acre quarry in a green wedge zone.  They have bypassed the local council, knowing that they would shut the proposal down, and have gone straight to the State Government. Whilst there are some benefits to the proposal such as a source of granite and dolerite for many years, the proposed quarry will have a major impact on flora and fauna in Red Hill because of deforestation and air pollution, not to mention the heavy machinery in operation. It will have a very negative effect all of the local businesses that rely heavily on mountain-bikers, tourist and nature walkers. Tourism will start to heavily decrease due to the eye-sore on the side of the mountain, dust will be blown up and around everywhere and the beautiful nature will be gone. Mountain-bikers will still be riding in Red Hill but in fewer numbers because of the trails being destroyed where the quarry is planned to be built. Nature walkers will be less likely to visit the beautiful hillside anymore with the constant noise of machinery and rockfall ruining the peace. There will be constant noise during the day from trucks consistently going up and down Boundary Rd. 


A summary of all available Information provided by

Michelle de la Coeur on Save Arthur’s Seat FB site - 

Information from Hillview’s Flyer

The proposed Boundary Road Quarry is currently going through an Environment Effects Statement (EES) process. An EES is the most rigorous government process for assessing projects in Victoria. Over the next few years a range of scientific, environmental and social studies will be completed, including ongoing consultation with the local community and stakeholder organisations.


Land use & planning

o 121 Boundary Rd

§ was quarried years ago by Pioneer.

§ When they ran out of rock they sold the quarry site to Hillview Quarries (1998)

§ Hillview removed quarrying machinery and processing plants

§ Hillview planned to turn the quarry into a RUBBISH TIP in 2013

§ The EPA knocked this proposal back

§ 2014 – the land was meant to be rehabilitated but wasn’t

§ Hillview then applied to restart quarrying but in 2016 VCAT confirmed that mining had ceased at this site. Hillview tried to convince VCAT that the site was both 121 and 115 Arthurs Seat Rd,



o 115 Boundart Rd

§ Hillview owned this piece of land that wraps around 121 Boundary Rd

§ This land has never been quarried

§ Pristine bushland

§ Part of a Biolink from Cape Schanck to Dunns Creek.

§ VCAT made it clear that this piece of land was separate from 121 Boundary Rd and had not been quarried. Hillview had tried to include both pieces of land in their application.

§ In 2018 Hillview did not apply for quarrying via the normal process through the local council

§ In 2018 Hillview applied for quarrying to the Planning Minister Mr Richard Wynne. They have included both address implying it is the one site and said they want to resume quarrying. This site has never been quarried so therefore quarrying cannot be resumed.



o Where will the trucks travel?

o How many trucks per day?

o Traffic observations done in winter and not during summer’s busy period. Not an annual report

o Didn’t take into account the new residential development that may go ahead near Collins Rd



o Hillview CEO Paul Nitas wrote an objection letter to council stating residents within 500m will be adversely affected by noise

o amenity of the property will be reduced due to blasting and processing materials

o How often will blasting happen? Times?


Flora & fauna

o Biolink between two sections of Arthurs Seat State Park will be broken completely

o Unique vegetation communities grown on granite – Arthurs Seat and Mt Martha are the only granite outcrops on the peninsula. Therefore the vegetation and wildlife is not found elsewhere

o 24 endangered species on their report (we believe more)


Social & economic - impacts and benefits

o Destroying the environment to make money to donate to the environment doesn’t make sense.

o Tourism in the area

o May affect vineyards in the area

o Same number of jobs as currently at Hillview – employees will just move location?



o Hillview CEO Paul Nitas wrote a letter to a local resident stating residents will be affected by noise

o amenity of the property will be reduced due to blasting and processing materials

o How often will blasting occur? What times?


Surface & groundwater

o To remove water from the watertable in the old quarry was up to 150,000L per day

o New quarry will be 70m deeper and twice the area.

o Ask how much will need to be pumped out each day

o How will this affect the aquifer/water table?

o Will this affect vineyards in the area?


Reserves & resource value and quality

o This site is not listed in the top 15 priorities in the state government’s Demand and Supply report 2015-2050

o Only small reserves

o There are more reserves closer to Melbourne


Quarry geotechnical design

o What is the design?

· Landscape & visual

o Tourism area

o See the scar from the current quarry

o Could see the scar when the old quarry was dug out and this quarry will be the hill beside and behind. It will be visual from the north.

o It will be seen by residences on Arthurs Seat Rd


Cultural & historic heritage

o Tourism area

o “We work with partners to ensure Victoria’s biodiversity is conserved, protected and valued by all as part of a healthy and resilient environment.”


Air quality

o 500m EPA – residual air emissions

o Primary school close by only 800m


Rehabilitation requirements - options and alternatives

o How do you rehabilitate a hole?

o 190m deep (630ft)

o 38 hectares (20 MCGs) of bushland removed and then dug out – the pit will be 43 hectare

o Alternatives????

Existing quarry machinery.jpeg


Existing quarry.jpeg


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